Debata-balls 2012 Part Duex: Live Blogging the Final Presidential Debates
I like that they went to the most bat-shit crazy state in the union for the final debate.
Whose show is this Bob? STFU
Everything Romney says is funny not on purpose.
Romney still doesn't know what we already know happened in Libya. Stay in (public) school, kids.
Did a Republican just say we can't kill our way out of something? Blasphemy!
Obama is so dreamy.... zzzzzzz
Obama draws first blood. "Strategy"!
Economic development of a Middle East country? Blasphemy!
Obama is glad about a lot of Romney/Al Qaeda things.
Obama is on the offensive... damn.... wipe your sword off before you stab him again, you're blood all over Bob.
Romney's feelings are hurt.... sad panda got attacked...
Romney forgot his speech last week. Must not have been in a Rose Garden.
Obama: Romney would have a draft!
I think Romney just said the exact same thing as Obama. This talk is foreign to me.
Obama is attacking again! Romney's gonna be whine! Bob is scared and peed slightly!
Bob: Obama, did your foot taste good?
I want to hear Romney retort on female education!
During Egyptian leadership conferences, at the Friday dance, do they ever play the Bangles?
Cutler goes three-and-out. Wait, wrong screen.
Notice how Mitt never wants people to be happy without also being prosperous?
Why does Mitt think that the right principles for the world are all the ones in our Constitution?
Romney: I will have a bigger military that won't lose one penny because it must govern react proactively.
Romney - man of the future!
5 Simple Romney steps to an awesome future America: more fossil for fuel, exploit Latin Americans, build schools that kill their teachers in front of dumb parents and dumb kids, invest in America (?), and champion small business.
Obama to Romney: Talk to the hand cause the teacher unions ain't listenin'!
Thanks, Bob, for bringing it back to bombing brown people.
Obamacare, the largest threat to foreign policy ever always.
Yeah, Mitt, that's unwanted military spending you're shoving in my camo g-string.
How's Utah doing now, Mr. Olympian?
Obama just launched an aerial assault on a drone(ing) Romney.
Obama <3 Israel; Romney snickering from under the bleachers...
Mitt: Send uranium to Uranus!
You can't call him "Chavez" until you've kissed the ring!
Obama to Burger King: You owe my $10k for saying "whopper".
I like how Romney gets all set to say something profound, and then drops the same Rove-created talking point verbatim.
Romney hates hypotheticals! Are they brown/black too?
Romney said "withdraw". He has five kids! Yeah? Nothing? ...whatever.
Bob just owned Mitt. Mitt took it well. 5 points.
When did we marry Pakistan? Was it an arranged marriage?
When boring people say "extreme", it's even worse than when old people say "awesome".
Romney will have a STRONG America. But no steroids.
That's what they get for buying foreign, Mitt!
Barry finally pulled out the job shipping shit! It's getting heavy in the later rounds!
Sure, I get up to pee and they start fighting. Damn!
Mitt's losing it. He's becoming unraveled like the Joker.
We all love teachers!
Uh oh, Romney has final closing. Get the fact books out. Got a feeling this is going to be a record-setting bullshitfest.
Did Romney actually say anything in his closing statement? It sounded like a Funny-Or-Die lip dub.
I'm done de'bating. Gonna grab a towel and nap. Thanks for listening.