Sunday, June 29, 2008

Oh, George...

I can’t begin to reflect on the impact George Carlin has had on my world. From my cheering on the Football vs. Baseball routine to the countless idiosyncrasies that pissed both of us off, he has been one of the biggest influences of my comedy and my life.

His Lenny Bruce-influenced tongue brought a very blunt edge to a comic industry in need of a political hero. Whether you loved him or not, whether he upset you or sent you home quoting him, George Carlin changed the face of comedy as we know it. Many of the TV shows and comedians you love would never have found their feet had he not broken obscenity barriers that were long overdue for destruction.

In a time when I was confused about religion, George brought a refreshing, realistic perspective to the many faces of God. He was quick to point out social ills but never without an exciting solution that provided the world with balance and entertainment.

I miss George because he is one of the only heroes I have left in a world so afraid of what each other thinks. He sang to me truth and consequence, pain and reality. He pulled no punches, and because of that I never withheld love of him and his carnal observations.

To me, he will be remembered eternally as a father, a friend, a confidant, a drinking buddy and a God. One that has spoken more truth than any in history.

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