Monday, October 22, 2012

Debata-balls 2012 Part Duex: Live Blogging the Final Presidential Debates

I like that they went to the most bat-shit crazy state in the union for the final debate.

Whose show is this Bob? STFU

Everything Romney says is funny not on purpose.

Romney still doesn't know what we already know happened in Libya. Stay in (public) school, kids.

Did a Republican just say we can't kill our way out of something? Blasphemy!

Obama is so dreamy.... zzzzzzz

Obama draws first blood. "Strategy"!

Economic development of a Middle East country? Blasphemy!

Obama is glad about a lot of Romney/Al Qaeda things.

Obama is on the offensive... damn.... wipe your sword off before you stab him again, you're blood all over Bob.

Romney's feelings are hurt.... sad panda got attacked...

Romney forgot his speech last week. Must not have been in a Rose Garden.

Obama: Romney would have a draft!

I think Romney just said the exact same thing as Obama. This talk is foreign to me.

Obama is attacking again! Romney's gonna be whine! Bob is scared and peed slightly!

Bob: Obama, did your foot taste good?

I want to hear Romney retort on female education!

During Egyptian leadership conferences, at the Friday dance, do they ever play the Bangles?

Cutler goes three-and-out. Wait, wrong screen.

Notice how Mitt never wants people to be happy without also being prosperous?

Why does Mitt think that the right principles for the world are all the ones in our Constitution?

Romney: I will have a bigger military that won't lose one penny because it must govern react proactively.

Romney - man of the future!

5 Simple Romney steps to an awesome future America: more fossil for fuel, exploit Latin Americans, build schools that kill their teachers in front of dumb parents and dumb kids, invest in America (?), and champion small business.

Obama to Romney: Talk to the hand cause the teacher unions ain't listenin'!

Thanks, Bob, for bringing it back to bombing brown people.

Obamacare, the largest threat to foreign policy ever always.

Yeah, Mitt, that's unwanted military spending you're shoving in my camo g-string.

How's Utah doing now, Mr. Olympian?

Obama just launched an aerial assault on a drone(ing) Romney.

Obama <3 Israel; Romney snickering from under the bleachers...

Mitt: Send uranium to Uranus!

You can't call him "Chavez" until you've kissed the ring!

Obama to Burger King: You owe my $10k for saying "whopper".

I like how Romney gets all set to say something profound, and then drops the same Rove-created talking point verbatim.

Romney hates hypotheticals! Are they brown/black too?

Romney said "withdraw". He has five kids! Yeah? Nothing? ...whatever.

Bob just owned Mitt. Mitt took it well. 5 points.

When did we marry Pakistan? Was it an arranged marriage?

When boring people say "extreme", it's even worse than when old people say "awesome".


Romney will have a STRONG America. But no steroids.

That's what they get for buying foreign, Mitt!

Barry finally pulled out the job shipping shit! It's getting heavy in the later rounds!

Sure, I get up to pee and they start fighting. Damn!

Mitt's losing it. He's becoming unraveled like the Joker.

We all love teachers!

Uh oh, Romney has final closing. Get the fact books out. Got a feeling this is going to be a record-setting bullshitfest.

Did Romney actually say anything in his closing statement? It sounded like a Funny-Or-Die lip dub.

I'm done de'bating. Gonna grab a towel and nap. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Debata-balls 2012: Live Blogging the Presidential Debates

I think Jeremy thinks he has to build cars for the rest of his life.

Romney, you got a detail anywhere in that plan?

Romney came prepared with defense, not offense. Must be a Ravens fan.

"Magic Gas" ... how did he know I'm making curry for dinner?

Romney came to fight. Literally. He just squared up the POTUS.

I thought Mormons are supposed to be polite, not just rich.

Why does it take an old Midwestern woman to pin Romney down on his budget details?

Is it me or has Romney denied everything the POTUS has said except for him only having one plan, to make more money for the richest?

Teleprompter or not, Obama really.... has a lot... of... weird pauses.... wait, what?

Count down to Republican bitching about the Big Bird reference in 5... 4...

Romney is someone who ran businesses.

The "Road to Greece" is paved with _____________.

I didn't think Obama would be the first to pull out the personal story. Nothing screams "smoke screen" like the debate parable.

Never say "afford college" again. Taking on crippling lifetime debt is never affording something.

Romney helps women one job at a time. So did Clinton. He created a surplus. Then spilled it on women in flexible positions.

POTUS just owned Romney on the Women=Money equation.

A disappointed woman that can't tell a Mitt from her Bush.

Romney came through small business the way Galactus came through the galaxy.

"Governor, you'll get tough on China like a bull in a Japanese shop."

Obama to Jones: "In four years, I did a bunch of shit. What have you done for me lately?"

Four Obama years: another thing Romney thinks we can't afford. First Big Bird, now my Afrikkan creamy crush?!?!?!

Romney's dad is Mexican?!?!? Not that that's a surprise, but HE VOICED IT?!?!?

Obama: Romney hates (poor) Mexicans.

Romney: Do not (specifically)!

Obama is following the Romney plan of bulling people over!!! And Romney has a new plan of asking off-topic questions repeatedly like a drunken frat boy!!!

Kerry Ladka: Obama... Libya... what you do?!?!?

Romney just placed 13 Rove-approved talking points in one 2 minute response. He is awarded 10 meaningless points.

Hunter Romney poked the Papa Obama bear. Papa growled.

Will Obama finally talk guns?!?!?! *gasp*

A broader conversation? Way to pussy out, POTUS. Guns for everyone!

Mitt Saves The Guns! Guns for all mentally ill!

How did guns turn to single parent homes? Mitt just yanked the wheel and threw everyone out of the golf cart.

Oh, I see what he did. Fast and Furious. The Big Bird of the GOP.

Every time Mitt flops his dick out unnecessarily, Candy happily tucks it back into his pants for him. Thanks, Candy.

Romney knows jobs goes to China? Who told him?!?!?

Mitt's going to make America more attractive to create jobs in. To his friends, anyway. You know, they guys who shipped the jobs overseas to put more money in their pockets.

Top of the 9th and Mitt has a man on second and one out.

Question from Barry: Mitt, why are you a god-fearing robot that cares about people you can make money off of?

When Obama goes off on dreamy tangents, he sounds like, well, Mitt Romney.

Yup, Obama just hit a grand slam in the bottom of the ninth. Goodnight, Irene.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Diffusion Theory and the Liberation of Mortimer Spänket

It was at 2:15pm on a Thursday in 1984, in the dead still of an august heat wave, when Mortimer Spänket first discovered a phenomenon that would inextricably change society for the remainder of human existence. Mortimer, a 38-year old CPA with dark-rimmed bifocals and thin, auburn strands that tried in vain to cover his near-bald crown, was building an oak chest for his brother when he struck scientific gold. While moving a sawhorse from one end of the garage to the other, the awkward manner in which it was carried chafed the inseam of his favorite corduroy pants. After he set the sawhorse down, he noticed something strange about his body: he had an erection. Mortimer had not experienced one of these since Rebecca, his wife of seven years and the love of his life, left him for Bill Northrup, their Schwann’s delivery man.

The ideas surged through his simple mind, though he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. “When the sawhorse rubbed against me, the feeling was faintly reminiscent but thoroughly enjoyable,” he thought. Upon further experimentation, he discovered that massaging himself triggered a physiological response similar to intercourse with his former wife.

Mortimer quickly realized the advantages of this activity. What freedom, he surmised, in being able to enjoy that same feeling without having to suffer Rebecca’s innumerable excuses and demands. “Where was this ten years ago,” he quipped to Lemmy, the persnickety tabby cat he purchased six years before from the local PetSmart. It was something everyone could enjoy regardless of gender or race. This was a universal cure-all, a Chicken Soup for the Lonely, with no risk necessary for the reward. He knew deep in his heart that once people saw how easy this was to perform, they too would adopt this amazing routine and utilize it to find peace in their lives as well. And that maybe, just maybe, he would be recognized for this monotony-shattering invention. Fame was something Mortimer had always daydreamed about but never once considered. “Just imagine…” he pondered, but Lemmy never broke concentration from the birds outside his kitchen window.

Unfortunately for Mortimer, he was neither a man of authority nor influence. From birth, he matured well behind universal standards. Bethany Dinkleman ridiculed him in front of the entire class 3rd grade class when he asked her if she had “an ouchie”; the spot was actually a birthmark, a fact even Stinky Andy knew, and no one talked to Stinky Andy. It took him until junior year of high school before he successfully tied his shoes without reciting “loop, swoop, and pull” aloud. Though never clinically diagnosed, he was generally regarded as slow.

Now living alone in the modest, ranch-style two-bedroom he and Rebecca bought after their honeymoon, Mortimer maintained a quiet life separate from the denizens of Pine Valley, a bustling suburb in Eastfield, IL., where Mortimer had lived his entire life. How was he, a portly man prone to crippling anxiety attacks, to tell the world of his creation when his voice was softer than a mouse’s and no one in the universe knew he existed, let alone the good people of Pine Valley? His only chance was to convince Chad Young, Eastfield High’s 1963 football standout and Mortimer’s former nemesis, to adopt his innovation and help him spread the word. But this would not be an easy pill to swallow.

His hesitation was justified: From fall of 1960 until graduation in June of 1964, Chad Young had found new ways of terrorizing Mortimer daily. The memories of these teenage pranks bored deep into his psyche, leaving scars that slowly reopened throughout his adult life. To make matters worse, Chad had not suffered the “former high school jock” fate portrayed on television. Instead he exceeded his athletic expectations by crushing NCAA rushing records before an MCL tear ended his career, then amassing a small fortune by way of successful investments. He and his wife, Erica, owned the largest house in Pine Valley, a six-bedroom estate perched atop Simon’s Hill facing southeast, soaking in all the morning sun 3.5 perfectly-groomed acres can. In fact, that previous May, Chad was the first Apple Macintosh owner in Pine Valley. By July, every house from Sparrow St. to Brookside Ave. had one.

Mortimer cringed knowing his fortune lay entwined with Chad’s. If his message were to ever reach beyond the okra-colored walls of his bedroom, it needed to ride on the booming, cocksure baritone that Chad maintained with admirable consistency, from the Life of God church pews on Sunday to the Eastfield High booster seats on Saturday he and Erica possessed lifetime tickets to.

With every ounce of resolve he could muster, Mortimer approached the motorized gate that ushered visitors to and from the Young’s home and requested a moment of Chad’s time from the intercom. Once through the gate and trekking the 100-yard driveway, he realized he had yet to name his invention. “I must be remembered,” he averred in his newfound confidence. “Spänket is too weird. Perhaps an Americanized version will suffice…” And with that, Spank It™ was born.

Chad listened in silent discomfort as Mortimer began explaining his adopted maneuver. Though the awkwardness of the situation was palpable, his keen eye for investment potential twitched. There was no denying the significance Spank It held for the future. In a flurry of brilliance and horror, Chad’s den became a lab for experimentation that all but sealed their destiny. Covered in sweat and painted with the grins of a mad scientist, they agreed to not shake hands until tomorrow, and from that day forward their mission was to share this beautiful discovery with the residents of Pine Valley, just as Prometheus delivered fire to the people of Olympus.

Chad wasted no time in disseminating his message, first inviting the Rochman’s over for dinner Friday night, and then the Hornicker’s on Saturday. He knew that with the right introduction, as well as a bottle or two of Eastfield Market’s finest cabernet sauvignon, these couples would use their tremendous reach and influence to pass on the bliss of Spank It.

Cyrus and Dinah Rochman, both successful podiatrists and social butterflies in Eastfield’s nightlife, were never without the latest trends, as indicated that summer by their purchase of the newly debuted Sony Compact Disc Player. Tom and Judy Hornicker owned Hornicker Hardware Supply on the corner of Maple and Huxely. Tom was renowned for similarities in look (and dress) to Magnum P.I.’s Tom Selleck. Judy, an athletic blonde with family ties to President Reagan, would curiously develop a Nordic accent after her third glass of wine. By Monday morning, both the Rochman’s and Hornicker’s would Spank It with delight. Come September, all of Pine Valley’s prominent couples were “Spanking It”.

The rest of Eastfield was unsure just what was happening in Pine Valley. Hearthwood Hills residents heard through the gossip mill (A.K.A. Arcadia Sun Yacht Club) that Pine Valley folks had “flipped their collective lids” over some new dance they would not disclose the moves to. However, the rural commoners of Norwood had a far different understanding. Sally Bergenheim told everyone before Sunday mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Jealousy, the largest Catholic Church in Eastfield, that everyone in Pine Valley was possessed by demons, effectively directing 97% of that weekend’s prayers toward its inhabitants.

With confusion and misinformation flooding the minds of their small, Northern Illinois community, Mortimer and Chad realized there was more work to be done. With all of Pine Valley fully assimilated to Spank It, it was now time to quell the fears discomforting the rest of Eastfield. That October evening, the two men devised a plan: a publicity stunt, which by today’s standards seems ordinary, but in the prudish Midwest of 1984 was downright insane. They planned an elegant gala that would double as the public debut for Spank It.

Invitations were sent to all corners of Eastfield, bringing only the most influential people of each neighborhood to the historic event at Pine Valley’s Community Center. Every suburb was represented: from the cream of cosmopolites in Hearthwood Hills (including the annoying-but-filthy rich Roose couple), to the more progressive families of the Norwood farming district. There was all the music, food, and ado of an average black-and-white affair, but the highlight of that evening would be its guest of honor: Mortimer, the ordinary man with an extraordinary message. “Spank it.”

Chad confidently took the Robert P. Chast memorial stage, tapped the microphone twice to gather attention, and then began his presentation by disclosing the evening’s true purpose. Disgust swept over the crowd like food poisoning. The mob was outraged, screaming at Chad to leave the stage and repent. Chad reeled in confusion, stunned at the visceral, violent reaction to something he considered simple and perfect. In that moment, his first taste of repugnance, Chad finally understood why Mortimer was who he was. Being subjected to four years to public humiliation day after day forced him to form the protective bubble he had lived in since high school; a protective layer between himself and the world he was convinced hated his very existence. Chad finally realized Mortimer was broken, and that it may have been his fault.

Just as the hostility reached a fevered pitch, Mortimer burst onto the stage wearing nothing more than argyle trouser socks, his best Sunday loafers, and a layer of sweat that could be seen from Chicago. The crowd fell silent, startled by the stout, bare-naked man before them. He knew this was his only chance to convince the proud people of Eastfield that his discovery, Spank It, was the revolutionary concept he believed it to be. Right then and there, at 9:16pm on a brisk November evening, Mortimer Spänket held the first-ever, public demonstration of Spank It.

Not a soul in attendance ever spoke of that night, the gala, or what they saw on the Robert P. Chast memorial stage. The rumors of what happened following Mortimer’s daring feat twisted and turned through Illinois until they took on a life of their own. One thing was for sure, though: the night was a smashing success. Within one year of the gala, everyone in America was hooked on Spank It. Mortimer became a hero overnight, proudly accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986 for Spank It‘s role in the reductions of global atrocities and creation of new international treaties.

Mortimer remained in that modest, two-bedroom house on Pine Valley’s northwest side. Eastfield had always been his home, and he was finally able to live there free of fear and regret. He and Chad regularly met for coffee and chess, their past awash in a sea of bygones. The shades to his living room window were no longer drawn permanently shut, allowing every passing neighbor to wave to him with genuine delight. Content with the strange luck fate had dealt him, Mortimer spent his remaining days in front of that window, completing the daily crossword puzzle or skimming the local newspaper. He had been given a very special gift, and in turn selflessly gave that gift to the rest of the world. Although most of the rumors about the 1984 Pine Valley Gala were false, one was unequivocally true: from that night on, Mortimer never went another day without smiling. Lemmy gently purred in approval.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Weakening of American Minds: Language and Technology

The American mind is weakening from a compromised language and the replacement of needed thought processes with technology. I will support my theory with examples of recent changes in society created by media and technology, the medical repercussions of the changes and the overall effects of cause-effect relationships on Americans.

The aggregation and dissemination of intelligence by modern media fare is the primary benefit of technology in First World countries. The average American’s ability to summon any information to a handheld device within seconds only solidifies the need for an internet possessing all known information and history, a 24-hour news cycle in an array of niches and perspectives, and endless mediums for user-generated content. The more customers there are with devices, the more content is needed to sate the diverse customer base. This cycle embodies technology and media’s integration and necessity in the twenty-first century and is known as Global-Lateral Omnipotence Propagation (GLOP).

With affordable access to up-to-the-second world news and centuries worth of knowledge, companies offering mobile connectivity or Wi-Fi-enabled devices are creating demigods of all individuals with means to purchase the service. Within a couple decades, GLOP will have bred a race of humans who can answer any question faster than history’s greatest scholars without ever using their own memory. The only secret to intelligence will be the ownership of a device and a monthly access service charge.

At its core, GLOP is the media giant’s agenda to monopolize the news and information we receive by creating a deep, personal need for “all-in-one” devices that gives them a direct portal to individual consumers. This portal, bridged by our blind trust of innovative technologies, will be their direct access to our eyes and mind; a disencumbered chute to funnel advertising, media and information to us while clandestinely implanting advertising and censoring content as early as its source. The plan is simple: in order to keep the cycle alive, it must be self-sustained and self-contained; therefore, collusion between the content holders and device makers becomes paramount. The more parts of the GLOP cycle they own, the more control they have over the end user.

Our crippling reliance on technology has already weakened children’s minds and chipped away at our lackadaisical education standards. Our ability to retain information has been compromised by devices offering direct access to more information than any one person could dream of retaining; access so simple it undermines the need for retention completely.

Try summoning a phone number you call daily through a speed-dialing system in your mobile phone. If you have trouble remembering it, or even a phone number you have known for years, it is possibly the onset of a condition known as Semantic Atrophy of Sense and Significance (SASS). SASS results from a lack of memorization, usually regarding important social and historical events, that leads to a physical shrinking of the brain. The most aggressive cases have been found in viewers of reality television shows and audiences of conservative news organizations.

The suggestion that a machine is an acceptable replacement for human practice seems absurd, yet the calculator has been so deeply integrated into our business and educational systems that rudimentary arithmetic is suffering a fate similar to our native language, an issue I will address later on. That the technology is apt is irrelevant; we are substituting the rehearsal of long-term memory by leaning on GLOP instead of utilizing our brain’s potential. We are slowly investing more and more of our intelligence to the cloud, blindly confident that our future will never lose signal to the server we have entrusted our futures to.

There are other dilemmas with having a generation plugged solely into one database. As it is now with news and entertainment, there are only a handful of corporations controlling either the source of, or our access to, entertainment, media, and our internet-based wealth of knowledge. In fact, the majority of our current and historical information already trickles through the fingers of media conglomerates before it ever sees our eyes. As the source-to-absorption pathway moves dangerously more vertical, it begs the question: how can minds grow if they draw the same datum from the same database? The culture and diversity of our society will lie in the hands of the few who can kink the hose; corporations so intoxicated on power they can alter the past, present, and future with mere say so. They will run empires that only provide content if it bears financial benefit and destroy anything that challenges their political alliances. With all minds homogenized, the future will be bought and sold back to us before we realize it.

The last twenty years have yielded amazing advancements in technology, and along with a new industry comes a new canon of vocabulary. The internet alone has added a sizable nomenclature to the English language. From search engine optimization terminology to computer-mediated communication (the compounding and acronymous alteration of words), all citizens now freely use terms a person in the 1970’s would think were gibberish. This swift, simultaneous expansion and contraction in language is called the Lexical Invert/Evert Dynamic (LIED).

Yet, with unmitigated access to centuries of knowledge, including English’s immeasurable complexity and expanse, we have not only chosen to cull the already-thinning volume of commonly-used words, but also to cheapen a rich, historic language with lazy shortcuts. Where dictionaries are no stranger to the gradual integration of slang, this blending of lexicon and informal web-jargon is more likely a circumvent of education than a universal acknowledgement of acceptance, and it is proving a troublesome challenge for our teachers to control thanks to media’s further reach and tighter grip on America’s youth.

The ripple effect of this lingual shift is more than just confused parents and young adults appearing mentally handicapped; there has been a resurgence of a rare disease known as Idiom Cessation-Kuru (ICK), where the brain and CNS are critically impacted by a lack of decipherable, intelligent interpersonal communication. The cessation stems from continued overuse of computer-mediated communication, such as “LOL”, in day-to-day conversation. Kuru is prominent in individuals who substitute the description of an “emoticon” (e.g. saying “sad face” aloud) for the muscle reflexes and chemical reactions our bodies require to maintain emotional homeostasis.

In summary, based on the cause-effect relationships of GLOP-SASS and LIED-ICK, the American mind is substantially weaker due to our apathetic response to the rape of the English language and the collusion of media conglomerates and mobile technology manufacturers to outsource our individual intellects and cede control of the world’s knowledge database to the highest bidders.